Demelant soin parfum argan et jasmin - Cosmia - 0.2 l
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Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer AUCHAN APAW.
3245678154496(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Demelant soin parfum argan et jasmin
Quantity: 0.2 l
Brands: Cosmia
Categories: Non-food-products, Open-beauty-facts
Stores: Auchan
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Preparation: Secouer afin de mêler les deux phases. Vaporiser sur cheveux secs ou humides en insistant sur les partie emmêlées. Ne pas rincer. Démêler au peigne ou à la brosse.
Customer service: AUCHAN SAS OIA, 200 rue de la recherche
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Product added on by org-auchan-apaw
Last edit of product page on by org-auchan-apaw.
Product page also edited by isabel626, pommeorange147, roboto-app.