
Barcode: 3600523329212(EAN / EAN-13)

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Product characteristics

Brands: Null


→Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
3 600523 329878 sans frollei TI rincer. 0IC COLON Soit parfaitement propre. colon instituts indépendants. Bus d'informations sur 36U501 M1988 1 INGREDIENTS: AQUA / MATER HEXYLENE GLYCOL GLYCERIN • POLOXAMER 184 DSODIUM COCOAMPHODIACETATE DSODIUM EDTA • POLYAMINOPROPYL BGUANIDE. (FIL. B54894/2). L'ORÉAL PARIS 14 rue Royale 75008 Paris FRANCE ISA 75000 93584 ST OUEN CEDEX FR 80mle 6 M minimum de applications. NOS ENGAGEMENTS PEAU La tolérance de nos de est évaluée pour un sans tests sur animaux. sur tous types de et testée sous avec un

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Ingredients analysis:

→ The analysis is based solely on the ingredients listed and does not take into account processing methods.

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Recycling instructions and/or packaging information:

Product added on by product-scan-com
Last edit of product page on by product-scan-com.

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