Help us inform millions of consumers around the world about what they eat

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Please give to our 2024 Fundraiser

Your donations fund the day-to-day operations of our non-profit association:

  • keeping our database open & available to all,
    • technical infrastructure (website/mobile app) & a small permanent team
  • remain independent of the food industry,

  • engage a community of committed citizens,

  • support the advancement of public health research.

Each donation counts! We appreciate your support in bringing further food transparency in the world.


A first step to contribute to Open Food Facts is to present it to you friends and family.
You can get on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus and ask a few friends and family to join the project.

Why present Open Food Facts ?

Open Food Facts relies on citizen crowdsourcing

25 000 contributors have added 850 000 products on Open Food Facts. The database includes products from more than 100 different countries, but the bulk of them comes from France - where Open Food Facts was launched in 2012 - and from a few countries like Spain, the UK, the US and Belgium where we have some very motivated contributors. We need to change that: we need to add products from your country and try to reach a critical mass of products. Of even greater importance, We need to create and develop strong local communities of contributors.

Creating local communities

To create this community, we need people who can present Open Food Facts in front of as many different audiences as possible, from the most obvious ones to the most unlikely. In France we have accepted all invitations to present our project, and each time we have quickly connected to the people who attended our presentations. Food is a universal topic of interest that everyone relates to. Explaining how we can better understand labels and easily compare products always generates a lot of interest and enthusiasm.

So could you present Open Food Facts in your country?

Would you like to contribute and/or to present Open Food Facts? Get in touch by email or on Slack!

Where ?

Here are some ideas of possible venues and audiences, but you will surely have other ones:
  •     Open Data meetups and events
  •     Free software / Open source meetups and events
  •     Food and nutrition events
  •     Schools

Presenting Open Food Facts is easy.

It's easy. We already have ready-made LibreOffice, Powerpoint presentations you can translate and adapt into your language. We also have transcripts and videos of people presenting Open Food Facts at various events.

Handling Q&A after your presentation

People usually ask many questions because the project and your presentation was thought-provoking. Don't worry too much:
  • There is a page with the frequently asked questions about the project. Those are the questions that keep getting asked, and that should cover 90% of the questions you are asked
  • If not, it's always possible to says things like: "I'm not sure, but I think that…", "I don't have the answer, but please come to me after the Q&A, and I'll make sure to get one"
Tell us where you could present: Get in touch by email or on Slack!

Events Open Food Facts attended

We presented Open Food Facts in many places in France, in front of small and large audiences.
United Kingdom
We presented Open Food Facts in London, at the ODI
We presented Open Food Facts at the Molengeek hackerspace, in Molenbeck as well as to the EU Commission's Hackathon.
We presented Open Food Facts at the VDEF 2018 in Ho Chi Minh City, and launched the Vietnamese version of Open Food Facts during the forum.
We presented Open Food Facts during Sao Paolo's 2019 FoodForum.

Use the Presentation Kit to prepare your presentation.

Just download the presentation kit from the wiki. If it's not translated, you just have to take some time to translate it in your language. It's rather short, and it's a good way to memorize the presentation :-)
Don't forget to upload the translated version back to the wiki.
Don't forget to ask advice on Slack, as well as tips to print stickers and presentation material.