List of categories for products that have the label FSC Mix - World

62 categories:

face 18*
facial-creams 17*
anti-aging-face-care-products 9*
Non food products 8
Open Beauty Facts 7
accessories 6*
hygiene 6*
night-creams 6*
anti-wrinkles-creams 5*
day-creams 5*
razor-blades 4*
razors 4*
toothpastes 4*
de:hautcremes 4*
perfumes 3*
eau-de-toilette 2*
makeup 2*
de:wattestäbchen 2*
de:naturkosmetik 1*
de:pflaster 1*
de:zahnbürsten 1*
body-creams 1*
fr:lingettes-impregnees 1*
de:hautgels 1*
shampoo-for-dry-hair 1*
fr:cremes-douche 1*
showers-and-baths 1*
fr:traitement-pieds 1*
shaving 1*
de:nachtcremes 1*
aftershaves 1*
fr:shampooings 1*
mascara 1*
shampoos 1*
de:duschseife 1*
hair 1*
fr:cremes-hydratantes 1*
bb-creams 1*
de:feuchtigkeitscremes 1*
tampons 1*
de:slipeinlagen 1*
de:tagescremes 1*
eyes-makeup 1*
de:haarwaschmittel 1*
fr:pommade 1*
face-makeup 1*
de:cremes 1*
nl:shampoo 1*
moist-wipes 1*
cologne 1*
de:feuchtigkeitscreme 1*
cleansers 1*
shower-gels 1*
sensitivity-toothpastes 1*
fr:produits-marketes-pour-les-hommes 1*
condoms 1*
dry-shampoos 1*
de:frauenhygieneartikel 1*
de:taschentücher 1*
soaps 1*
visage 1*
body 1*