List of categories for products that contain the ingredient it:fragrance - World

21 categories:

it:detergente 1*
hair 1*
it:deodorante 1*
it:bagnoschiuma 1*
it:docciaschiuma 1*
it:cheveux 1*
it:plastica 1*
it:acqua-micellare 1*
shampoos 1*
Non food products 1
fr:savon-corporel 1*
it:crema-mani 1*
Open Beauty Facts 1
it:crema 1*
it:shampoo 1*
it:shampoings 1*
it:bambini 1*
it:profumo 1*
it:sapone 1*
it:maschera 1*
it:scrub 1*