List of categories for products that contain the ingredient E492 - World

24 categories:

body 6*
body-creams 5*
facial-creams 4*
face 4*
makeup 3*
body-milks 2*
eyes-makeup 2*
it:occhi 2*
fr:cremes-hydratantes 2*
nl:make-up 2*
anti-aging-face-care-products 2*
eyeliners 2*
fr:baumes-et-beurres-pour-le-corps 1*
anti-wrinkles-creams 1*
hand-creams 1*
lipsticks 1*
nl:oogpotlood 1*
razor-blades 1*
razors 1*
de:rasierer 1*
es:mascarillas-faciales-hidratantes 1*
lip-makeup 1*
night-creams 1*
accessories 1*